.NET/Java PDF, Tiff, Barcode SDK LibrarySOAP is a term that covers various mechanisms, their common feature being that they are XML based and platform independent. In theory, the SOAP protocol is completely independent of the underlying transport. The example usually offered is of sending SOAP messages via SMTP. This is sometimes carried out in practice (I once built an application that did exactly this), but it is very much the exception. The majority of SOAP-based applications send their messages over either HTTP or HTTPS. Although there is nothing intrinsically wrong with this usage, at the height of its popularity SOAP was often selected for the slightly misguided reason that it could be sent over the un-firewalled port 80! In practice, you should be using SOAP if you need the full breadth of its features or if you need to consume external services that are presented to you as a SOAP API. The advantage of SOAP is its comprehensive platform independence and its mature support for features such as transactionality and user authentication. The disadvantages of SOAP are its complexity and its performance. The underlying mechanism of transmitted XML is simple, but the breadth of document types and specifications covered by SOAP is bewildering and can make the creation of even a relatively simple service very time-consuming. The use of XML, a human-readable text-oriented format, leads to a performance disadvantage when transmitting complicated data. This can be ameliorated by the use of an optimization mechanism, but this then adds yet more complexity to the design. The Spring support for SOAP is mostly oriented to the use of the JAX-RPC library for conducting remote procedure calls over SOAP, but there is additional support for creating and consuming other service types in the Spring WS library. winforms pdf 417 reader, winforms qr code reader, winforms upc-a reader, winforms data matrix reader, winforms gs1 128, winforms ean 13 reader, itextsharp remove text from pdf c#, replace text in pdf c#, winforms code 39 reader, c# remove text from pdf,The central logic for every game includes preparing the environment where the game will run, running the game in a loop until the game ending criteria is met, and cleaning up the environment. The idea of having the main program logic running in a loop is crucial for a game, because the game needs to keep running whether or not it has user interaction. This doesn t happen with some commercial applications, which do something only in response to user input. The following pseudocode presents a game structure, including the game loop: Initialize graphics, input and sound controllers Load resources Start game loop. In every step: Gather user input Perform needed calculations (AI, movements, collision detection, etc.) Test for game ending criteria if met, stop looping Draw (render) screen, generate sounds and game controller feedback Finalize graphics, input, and sound Free resources This is a simplified view for instance, you can load resources inside the game loop when beginning each game level but it still provides a good idea about a game s internal details. Before XNA, this game structure had to be coded from scratch, so you needed to contend with many details that weren t directly related to your game. XNA hides most of this complexity Spring WS allows for and encourages the use of top-down SOAP design. The user specifies an XML schema description for the methods that he will be exporting, and then creates corresponding service description files, interfaces, and services to support them. This all requires a very good understanding of SOAP more than I think is appropriate for a beginners text; we will focus purely on the use of the JAX-RPC libraries because this has the most in common with the other remoting technologies that we have considered in this chapter. Note that I do not propose to teach you how to use even JAX-RPC in this chapter because the subject matter is far too complex only how to integrate it with the Spring framework. from you When you create a new Windows Game project, the two code files created encompass creating an object of the MicrosoftXnaFrameworkGame class (Game1 object), presenting the code with the meaningful methods of this class you need to override, and calling the Run method, which starts the game loop The next pseudocode fragment presents Game1 methods organized as the generic game loop presented before, so you can understand the general structure of the code before entering its details Game1() General initialization (Game1cs) Initialize() Game initialization (Game1cs) LoadContent() Load Graphics resources (Game1cs) Run() - Start game loop (Programcs) In every step: Update() - Read user input, do calculations, and test for game ending (Game1cs) Draw() Renderization code (Game1cs) UnloadContent() Free graphics resources (Game1. Spring does not attempt to implement or provide a complete SOAP JAX-RPC server implementation. Instead, you are expected to use, and to some extent configure, an existing server. The most popular Java SOAP server implementation is Apache Axis. Unfortunately, Axis expects to be configured as a servlet in its own right, instantiate the target service object, translate incoming requests, and pass them to the service methods directly. Rather than try to subvert the process on the server side, Spring plays a relatively low profile here. You will configure Axis for a Spring service pretty much exactly as you would for any other environment although Spring does allow you to avoid the need to generate the skeleton classes for the server. The Axis servlet s configuration is shown in Listing 9-22.